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The Yuba Watershed Protection and Fire Safe Council is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) community-based group consisting of concerned citizens, local, state and federal fire professionals, law enforcement, professional foresters, local timber companies and resource conservation groups along with county government
Working Together Towards the Following:
Protect Property and Lives

Maintain Yuba County Forest Health

Prevent Wildfire Where Possible

Minimize Effects of Wild Fire

Prepare for Any Emergency!
Floods and fires are very real possibilities for anyone living in Yuba County. The past few years have shown us that devastating wildfires pose a very real threat to our communities. Our foothill communities are particularly vulnerable to the ravages of wind-driven fires.
Yuba Roadside Fuel Treatment Project
Click Here for More Information
Stay Informed!
Share your photo skills with us for a chance to have your pictures published in our annual Calendar
Submit photos of Fire Safe projects, weed whacking, brush clearing, debris removal, any project or safety image you capture doing projects around the house and property, we are interested in.
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