Yuba Youth Take Action Projects are modeled after those included in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Take Action- Teens for Wildfire Safe Communities program

Yuba Fire Safe Council


Grades 6-12

 Help produce a public service Video or Go on a Virtual Field Trip

This program is designed to get teens involved in the process of preparing communities to be better prepared for a wildfire event.  Teen “Actions” can include:

Video Shorts – Public Service Announcements PSA

Preparing pet evacuation kits GO Bags

Taking wildfire “virtual field trips”

Wildfire Risk Reduction Community Service Projects

Serving as change agents in wildfire preparedness

As the result of a Grant from Yuba Water Agency, Yuba Watershed Protection & Fire Safe Council is soliciting proposals from Yuba County foothill youth groups who are interested in designing and implementing Community wildfire mitigation projects.

Fill out the Online Contact Application

Apply Here

These grant funds are for local projects that are modeled after those included in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Take Action- Teens for Wildfire Safe Communities program.

Click here to Learn More about the National Program


Home Wildfire Mitigation

Emergency Go Bags


Please Consider a Donation to Help Yuba Firesafe Continue Community and Wildland Fire Safety