Yuba Watershed Protection and Fire Safe Council
Wildfire Mitigation Review Program
This is a free program designed to provide an on-site review of resident homes and property. The purpose of this review is to assess the homes current level of wildfire preparation and to make recommendations on actions that will reduce risk to wildfire.
Property Reviews include inspection of Defensible Space Zones
- THE EMBER-RESISTANT ZONE (Zone 0) | 0–5 feet: The zone within 5 feet of your home reduces the vulnerability of the home to embers by creating a zone of ember-resistant materials around the home. Gravel, a concrete or brick walkway.
- THE LEAN, CLEAN AND GREEN ZONE (Zone 1) | 5–30 feet: The objective of this zone is to reduce the risk of fire spreading from surrounding vegetation to the home. Lean indicates that there is only a small amount of vegetation, if any, present. Clean indicates that vegetative debris and dead materials are routinely removed. Green indicates that vegetation within this zone is kept green and well irrigated (if appropriate) during fire season.
- THE REDUCED FUEL ZONE (Zone 2) | 30–100 feet: The objective of this zone is to reduce fire spread and restrict fire movement into the crowns of trees or shrubs. Remove dead plant material, lower tree branches and other ladder fuels.
A Wildfire Mitigation Review will be conducted by a trained advisor volunteer upon homeowner’s request.
The review will include access route clearance and signage, home hardening upgrades, and defensible space fuel reduction treatment and options.
Schedule a FREE review today for your Yuba County Home!
NOTE: This free home review is the first step in qualifying your property to receive financial assistance (up to 50% reimbursement) to complete the Defensible Space improvements suggested.
Don’t delay – grant funding is limited for these programs.
A Mitigation Review performed in 2023 or 2024 is required to participate in the reimbursement program.
Email programs@yubafiresafe.org if you have questions.
The application can also be Emailed, or printed and Physically Mailed
To Email
Open and complete the onscreen application Here (PDF file)
Save the completed form: Choose File – Save As and rename the file, save to your computer
Then Email the file to: Programs@YubaFireSafe.org
To Physically Mail
Print the Mitigation Review Application Here (PDF file)
Complete and Mail to: YFSC Mitigation Review PO Box 44 Browns Valley Ca 95918
PayPal Donations
Please Consider a Donation to Help us Continue Community and Wildland Fire Safety