Red Flag Warning and Watch
The US National Weather Service issues forecasts, warnings, and watches related to fire weather. During Red Flag Warnings, it is critical that residents are prepared to evacuate. And remember, one less spark could mean one less wildfire.
- Red Flag Warning: Red Flag Warnings are issued by the National Weather Service if predicted weather conditions would lead to extreme fire behavior and rapid spread. Conditions are ongoing or predicted soon include strong winds, dry air, low moisture content in plants. Fire Departments increase staffing levels, residents are ready to evacuate, and residents are cautious not to create sparks and fires.
- Fire Weather Watch or Red Flag Watch: Red Flag Warning weather conditions are expected soon.
- Extreme Red Flag Warning: Extreme Red Flag Warnings is a new warning issued by the National Weather Service for the first time in October 2019 due to extremely dangerous fire weather. Conditions are ongoing or predicted soon include extremely strong winds, dry air, and low moisture content in plants. Fire Departments increase staffing levels, residents are ready to evacuate or pre-evacuate, and residents are cautious not to create sparks and fires.
Red Flag do’s and don’ts checklist
Do’s: Prepare for Evacuation
- Download printable Red Flag Day Checklist to use at home
- Be alert for wildfires
- Pre-evacuate or Prepare to quickly evacuate
- Gather Go-Bag items
- Prepare home
- Don’t mow or trim dry grass on a Red Flag Warning Day. (Mow before 10 a.m. on a day when it’s not hot and windy)
- Don’t use barbecues or fire-pits outdoors
- Don’t use gas or electric power tools outdoors. Spark arrestors are required in wildland areas on all portable gasoline powered equipment
- Don’t smoke outdoors
- Don’t drive or park in dry grass or vegetation
- Don’t drag trailer chains
Lookout for red flags in Yuba county!
- During Red Flag Warnings, 15 red flags are displayed at our rural post offices, rural fire stations or thrift stores, Cal Fire stations, Yuba River Ranger District office, and other businesses.
- The Alcouffe’s electric sign has active Red Flag Warnings
- If you would like to purchase and/or display a warning flag at your location, please contact Jeanine Upton at
- Sign-up for National Weather Service severe weather alerts, which include red flag warning, at
- Follow Sacramento’s National Weather Service office @NWSSacramento
- National Weather Service advisories, watches, and warnings for Yuba County