April 2021
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February 3rd, 2021
A Community Wildfire Protection Plan Survey
Do You Have a Local Wildfire Concern?
Tell Us About It!
Even though community meetings have been cancelled due to COVID, you can still have your voice heard through the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) process developed by the Yuba Watershed Protection and Fire Safe Council (YWP&FSC).
The YWP&FSC is now offering a survey through a data portal for our county. The link for that survey is
As you fill out the survey, think about your immediate area, the road you live on, and other would-be obstacles you would face in a wildfire.
If there is a potential issue, let us know by putting it into the survey.
Your concerns will be added to create the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The Community Wildfire Protection Plan will assist the County and YWP&FSC to help determine where the greatest protection needs lie, so that they may utilize these request as they seek funding.
Credit: Cathy LeBlanc
Make Your Voice Heard!
January 23rd, 2021
Yuba County
2021 residential Burn permits are Available Online
During declared fire season, which in most parts of the state roughly extends from May 1 through the end of October or early November, a CAL FIRE permit is required for prescribed fire activities.

December 17th, 2020

Survivors whose homes were damaged in the 2020 California wildfires now have until January 15, 2021 to sign up for the state consolidated debris removal program.
The program is available to property owners with fire-damaged trees in danger of falling on public roads and other infrastructure.
The State of California has begun mobilizing contractors, arborists, and licensed timber operators in 24 counties to remove residential wildfire debris after more than 8,000 climate-induced wildfires burned 5,700 homes in recent months.
Click Here for details about this program
December 7th, 2020
Causes of Christmas Tree Fires
Electrical problems and heat sources too close to the tree were factors in one-quarter
of home Christmas tree fires (26%) of home Christmas tree
fires occurred when some type of heat source, such as a candle, heating equipment, or electrical
light, was too close to the tree.
Eighty percent of Christmas tree fire deaths were caused by
these incidents.
Some type of electrical failure or malfunction was a factor in another quarter
(25%) of the fires and one-fifth (19%) resulted in death.
One-quarter or 24% of home Christmas tree structure fires were intentionally set.
Almost half (48%) of the intentional Christmas tree fires occurred in January.
Decorative lights were involved in 18% of the fires. Some type of electrical distribution or
lighting equipment was involved in two of every five (40%) home Christmas tree fires.
Decorative lights (including holiday lights) were involved in 18% of the fires, while
wiring or related equipment was involved in 13%, and cords or plugs were involved in 6%.
Data Source NFPA
More Christmas Tree Safety Tips Click Here
November 23rd, 2020
According to the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), Thanksgiving remains the leading day for cooking fires, with three times as many cooking fires as an average day.
Here are some reminders on how to keep your family safe in the kitchen this Thanksgiving Day
Cook With Caution: Be on alert! If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, don’t use the stove or stovetop.
• Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the stove.
• If you are simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling food, check it regularly, remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.
• Keep anything that can catch fire — oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or curtains — away from your stovetop.

If You Have a Cooking Fire:
• Get out! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire.
• Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number after you leave.
• If you try to fight the fire, be sure others are getting out and you have a clear exit.
• Keep a lid nearby when you’re cooking to smother small grease fires. Smother the fire by sliding the lid over the pan
and turn off the stovetop. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled.
• For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.

November 10th, 2020
Chimney Fire
Neighbors have reported nearby chimney fires as sounding like a low rumble or roar.
How to know if you have a chimney fire, and how to prevent one from happening.

Warning Signs You Need to Know
Below are a few common signs that your chimney is on fire.
Read through the list so you can practice educated awareness:
Loud Cracking & Popping Noises
Dense Smoke
Intense, Hot Smell
Explosive Burning
If you see or hear any of these things, get out of your house immediately and call 911! Wood stoves and other appliances that have pipe chimneys can experience chimney fires, too. If you can see heavy smoke, light, or flames coming out of the cracks between the sections of chimney pipe, call 911
10 Tips to Prevent Chimney Fires
- Have your chimney inspected and cleaned at least once a year by a professional, and more than that if creosote builds up on your chimney walls more rapidly. This is a $100 to $200 price that is worth paying for.
- Between the professional inspections and cleanings, be sure to check and monitor your wood-burning fireplace for signs of buildup or other problems.
- Your chimney has a cap on the top of it with open sides (usually covered in mesh to keep rain, birds, squirrels, other animals, and debris out). Make sure this cap is regularly inspected and replaced when necessary.
- Check the interior of your fireplace for creosote buildup. It is flammable, therefore too much buildup is a fire hazard and should be cleaned away with a creosote remover as soon as possible.
- Also, watch for soot buildup. Soot is softer than creosote, but is also flammable and should be cleaned up regularly.
- If possible, burn hardwoods like oak, maple, ash and birch. These woods burn hot and long, are cleaner to handle, and have less pitch and sap. They also tend to leave less creosote buildup but can be more expensive.
- Any time there is smoke indoors from your fireplace, troubleshoot and immediately correct any problems you find. Possible causes are a dirty chimney, soot or creosote buildup or other debris in the chimney.
- Consider installing a stainless steel liner that will withstand even the highest temperatures and will keep the embers contained.
- To improve your fireplace’s efficiency, you should also consider installing heat-proof glass doors to protect against heat loss and a fan or blower to direct heat into the room. The doors can also keep embers from entering the interior of your home. If you do get the glass doors, clean them regularly with a paper towel and glass fireplace door cleaner.
- Clean the interior of your fireplace, including the floor, regularly. Sweep or vacuum up cold ashes. Wear a dust mask and gloves when cleaning your fireplace.
October 22nd, 2020
CalFire Red Flag Zones and Warnings
A.M. Update 10/22/2020
October 16th, 2020
A rancher’s unforgettable account of the fire’s devastating impact on his family, his cattle and the forests
“This needs to be in the newspaper.”
I cry for the mountains: A legacy lost
October 9th, 2020
Public Safety Power Shutoff Ahead of Windy Dangerous Conditions Expected This Weekend

PUBLIC SAFETY POWER SHUTOFF CRITERIA PG&E initiates Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) when the weather forecast is for such severe weather that people’s safety, lives, homes, and businesses may be in danger of wildfires. As each weather situation is unique, we carefully review a combination of factors when deciding if power must be turned off. Some factors include…more
Stay Informed
Issued 0300 PDT Fri Oct 9 2020
NOAA Fire Weather Planning Forecast Map
NOAA Fire Weather Planning Forecast Discussion
Sierra Nevada Foothills:
SATURDAY NIGHT...Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of rain
showers. Lows 48 to 55. Southeast winds up to 10 mph.
SUNDAY...Mostly sunny. Highs 71 to 77. Northwest winds up to
13 mph.
SUNDAY NIGHT...Mostly clear. Lows 50 to 56. Northeast winds up
to 10 mph.
COLUMBUS DAY...Mostly sunny. Highs 76 to 81. Northwest winds
5 to 10 mph.
MONDAY NIGHT...Mostly clear. Lows 53 to 59. Variable less than
5 mph.
TUESDAY...Mostly sunny. Highs 79 to 84. Variable less than
5 mph.
TUESDAY NIGHT...Mostly clear. Lows 54 to 61. Variable less than
5 mph.
Central Valley and Delta:
SATURDAY NIGHT...Mostly cloudy. Lows 51 to 56. Southwest winds
up to 13 mph.
SUNDAY...Mostly sunny. Highs 77 to 82. Northwest winds 8 to
18 mph.
SUNDAY NIGHT...Mostly clear. Lows 50 to 56. Northwest winds 5 to
15 mph.
COLUMBUS DAY...Mostly sunny. Highs 81 to 86. Northwest winds
5 to 15 mph.
MONDAY NIGHT...Mostly clear. Lows 51 to 56. Variable less than
5 mph.
TUESDAY...Mostly sunny. Highs 85 to 90. Variable less than
5 mph.
October 5th, 2020
Help First Responders Find Your Home
During an Emergency Seconds Matter

The Yuba Fire Safe Council is urging residents and businesses to clearly mark their locations with reflective address signs available through our online program.
Posting the address on your home/mailbox and your business/mailbox may very well save a life. In the event of an emergency at night or in difficult weather conditions, reflective address signs can save crucial minutes in locating those in need.
If your address is not clearly marked, valuable time could be lost in the effort to save a life.
The Yuba Fire Safe Council has received grant funding from Yuba County to start a Residential Reflective Address Safety Sign Program to offer reflective address number signs. Proceeds from these sales will benefit fire safety programs for our community.
These signs make a perfect gift for Christmas and are easy to install.
Please, help first responders help you. Post your address on your home; seconds do save lives!
To get your reflective address signs for a modest donation visit:
Yuba Residential Reflective Address Safety Sign Program
September 30th, 2020
CalFire Daily Report
September 28th, 2020
Disaster Recovery and Community Response Teams
Deploy Thousands of Portable Generators across California

Communications industry leaders respond to the recent public safety power shutoffs (PSPS)
implemented by power companies across California
“Our network was not designed with the anticipation that a power company would shut
off power to over 2 million people at once.”
AT&T deployed a fleet of over 2,000
portable generators to our facilities and wireless sites across the state. In addition to
thousands of members of our California team, we brought in out-of-state technicians who
worked around the clock to continuously relocate portable generators and address power induced issues as needed to maintain services for… (more)
Thursday September 24th, 2020
Possible PGE Power Outages This Weekend Zones 2 and 5

PG&E Meteorology is closely tracking the potential for dry northerly winds to develop Saturday evening and continue into Monday morning across Northern CA. The event start is still about 60 hours away from this time (Sept. 24, 8 am) and as we get closer, some details regarding strength, timing and location of the event may change if models evolve. The northerly winds will coincide with very hot temperatures and the National Weather Service has issued a Fire Weather Watch for portions of Northern CA valid from Saturday through Monday.